START THE WINDOWS COMPUTER IN SAFE MODE:- Safe mode is a diagnostic mode of a computer operating system (OS) that allows users to troubleshoot and fix problems with the OS or installed applications. When a computer is in safe mode, it only loads the essential programs and drivers and does not run any additional software or applications that may be causing problems. This can be useful when trying to identify and resolve problems with the OS or installed programs, as it allows you to start the computer with a minimal set of resources and eliminates potential conflicts that may be causing the issues.

What is Safe Mode?

A safe mode is a useful tool for troubleshooting problems with a computer because it allows you to identify and fix issues without the added complexity of running all of the software and drivers that are normally loaded during the boot process. For example, if you are having problems with a particular software program or driver, you can start the computer in safe mode and see if the problem persists. If the problem does not occur in safe mode, you can then assume that the issue is related to a conflict with another piece of software or driver that is not loaded in safe mode.

There are several different types of safe mode that may be available on a computer, depending on the operating system and the specific problem you are trying to troubleshoot. Some common types of safe mode include:

  • Minimal safe mode: This is the most basic version of safe mode, and it only loads the bare minimum of software and drivers that are required to run the system.
  • Network safe mode: This version of safe mode is similar to minimal safe mode, but it also loads the drivers and services that are needed to access the internet.
  • Command prompt safe mode: This version of safe mode starts the computer in a command prompt rather than the normal graphical user interface (GUI). This can be useful for troubleshooting problems with the GUI or for running command-line tools to diagnose and fix problems.
  • Safe mode with networking: This version of safe mode is similar to network safe mode, but it also includes the GUI and other features that are normally available when the computer is started in normal mode.

In addition to the different types of safe mode, there are also several options that you can use to customize the way safe mode works. For example, you can use the “boot log” option to create a log of all the software and drivers that are loaded during the boot process, which can be helpful for identifying problems. You can also use the “debugging mode” option to enable additional debugging features that may be useful for troubleshooting software problems.

Why do we use safe mode?

Safe mode is a troubleshooting mode in a computer system that allows users to troubleshoot and fix problems with the system. It starts the system with only the most basic and essential programs and drivers, which can be helpful in identifying and fixing problems that may be caused by software or drivers that are not essential to the system.

There are several reasons why you might want to use safe mode:

  1. To troubleshoot problems: Safe mode allows you to troubleshoot problems with your system by starting it with only the most basic and essential programs and drivers. This can be helpful if you are experiencing problems with your system that you cannot identify.
  2. To remove malware: Safe mode can also be useful for removing malware or other malicious software that may be causing problems with your system.
  3. To restore system files: If you have accidentally deleted or modified important system files, you can use safe mode to restore them.
  4. To update or install the software: Safe mode can also be used to update or install software without interference from other programs or drivers.

To enter safe mode on a Windows system, you can restart the system and press the F8 key repeatedly as the system is booting up. On a Mac, you can enter safe mode by restarting the system and pressing the Shift key while it is booting up.

How to use Safe Mode?

Safe mode is a troubleshooting mode in a computer operating system (OS) that allows users to troubleshoot and fix issues with their computer or device. Here’s how to use safe mode on a Windows or Mac OS device:

  1. Restart your computer or device and immediately start pressing the F8 key on your keyboard. That is going to bring up the advanced boot options screen.
  2. Use the arrow keys to select “Safe Mode” and press Enter.
  3. Your computer or device will now start in Safe Mode. You can see “Safe Mode” in all the corners of the screen.
  4. While in Safe Mode, you can troubleshoot and fix issues with your computer or device. For example, you can try uninstalling any recently installed programs or drivers, running a virus scan, or checking for and fixing any corrupt system files.
  5. When you’re done troubleshooting, restart your computer or device to exit Safe Mode and return to normal operation.

Advantages of Safe Mode:-

Here are some advantages of using safe mode:

  1. It allows you to diagnose and fix problems: Safe mode can help you identify the root cause of problems that may be occurring on your systems, such as software conflicts, hardware issues, or malware infections.
  2. It can help you start your system when it’s not working properly: If your system is experiencing problems and you can’t start it normally, starting it in safe mode may allow you to access it and try to fix the problem.
  3. It can help you uninstall problematic programs or drivers: If a program or driver is causing problems on your system, starting in safe mode may allow you to uninstall it or disable it temporarily while you try to resolve the issue.
  4. It can help you recover from a system crash: If your system has crashed and you can’t start it normally, starting it in safe mode may allow you to access and troubleshoot the problem, or restore your system from a backup.

Overall, safe mode is a useful tool for diagnosing and fixing problems with a computer’s operating system.

Disadvantages of Safe Mode:-

There are several disadvantages to using safe mode on a computer:

  1. Limited functionality: Safe mode only loads the most essential programs and drivers, so you may not be able to use certain features or applications.
  2. No internet access: Safe mode does not enable network drivers, so you will not have access to the internet. This can be inconvenient if you need to troubleshoot a problem or download updates.
  3. No graphics acceleration: Safe mode does not use graphics acceleration, so the display may not be as smooth or responsive as it is in normal mode.
  4. No custom settings: Safe mode uses default settings, so any custom settings you have made will not be applied. This includes things like custom desktop backgrounds, screen resolutions, and printer settings.
  5. Cannot run certain programs: Some programs may not work in safe mode because they require certain drivers or resources that are not available.

Overall, safe mode is a useful tool for troubleshooting and fixing problems on your computer, but it should not be used as a regular operating mode because of the limitations it imposes.

How to start Safe Mode:-

To start Safe Mode on a Windows 10 computer, follow these steps:

On the sign-in screen, press and hold the Shift key while you select the Power icon in the lower-right corner of the screen.

In the Shut Down options window, select Restart.

After the computer restarts, you will see the Choose an option screen. Select Troubleshoot.

On the Troubleshoot screen, select Advanced options.

On the Advanced options, select Startup Settings.

On the Startup screen, click on the Restart button.

After the computer restarts, you are going to see the list of options. Press the F4 key on your keyboard to start Safe Mode.

Alternatively, you can start Safe Mode by pressing the F8 key on your keyboard before the Windows login screen appears. The possibility is that this method may not work on all of the computers.

Note: As certain operating systems prohibit the ability to press F8 to enter Safe Mode by default, this technique might not be effective on all computers.

What can you do once you are in safe mode?

In safe mode, you can perform a number of tasks that may not be possible in normal mode, such as:

  1. Troubleshoot problems: Safe mode is often used to troubleshoot problems with a computer or operating system. In safe mode, only the essential programs and services are loaded, so you can identify and fix problems that might be caused by other programs or drivers.
  2. Uninstall programs: You can use safe mode to uninstall programs that are causing problems or that you no longer need.
  3. Run system restore: If you need to restore your system to a previous state, you can use safe mode to do so.
  4. Scan for malware: You can use safe mode to scan your system for malware, as it may be easier to detect and remove malware when it is not running alongside other programs.
  5. Update drivers: If you need to update a driver but are unable to do so in normal mode, you can try updating the driver in safe mode.
  6. Start in a minimal environment: If you want to start your system with only the most essential programs and services running, you can boot into safe mode to do so.

It’s important to note that some features and functions may not be available in safe mode, as it is meant to be a minimal environment for troubleshooting and maintenance purposes.


In conclusion, safe mode is a diagnostic mode of a computer operating system (OS) that allows users to troubleshoot problems with the OS and its programs and drivers. Safe mode is often used to identify and fix problems that might be caused by other programs or drivers, and it can also be used to uninstall programs, run system restore, scan for malware, update drivers, and start in a minimal environment. While safe mode can be useful for troubleshooting and maintenance, it is a limited environment and some features and functions may not be available.

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