Top Xbox Series X/S Exclusives

Top Xbox Series X/S Exclusives: The Series X/S and its predecessor still have a few notable exclusives despite all the criticism Xbox is receiving in the console wars.

For many large gaming firms who want to sell their system as the greatest one consumers can own, console exclusivity is now a need. With the gaming industry expanding at an exponential rate and numerous companies contending for the top spot to build a sizable fan base and secure the funding to create a number of outstanding games, it has become imperative. If they aren’t hiring creators to create games specifically for them, companies are ready to spend a lot of money to get exclusive titles that can only be played on their platform.

The Xbox Series X/S is no exception to this norm, working hard to expand its selection of outstanding exclusives. Naturally, given Microsoft’s history, the majority of their products are also available for PC. The following games do an excellent job of making the Xbox Series X/S appear like an enticing console, despite the fact that many players prefer playing on a console, which may seem counterintuitive. Players who own an older Xbox One will be glad to discover that several of these games are also available for that system.


Top Xbox Series X/S Exclusives

Fans of H.R. Giger’s artwork and biopunk settings will adore what Scorn has to offer. Players in this survival-horror game are immersed in a nightmare setting where it seems as though the walls are alive, breathing things.

Many gamers were surprised by the game’s emphasis on puzzles and exploration; they had anticipated an action-packed title. The combat in Scorn is actually better avoided because it is fairly clumsy and truly drives home how pitiful and helpless the player is when they battle the many enemies in the game.

Forza Horizon 5

Top Xbox Series X/S Exclusives

Forza Horizon 5 is a fantastic example of Playground Games’ mastery of this genre. They consistently produce top-notch, intricate racing games that are a fun to play. While participating in thrilling races and completing numerous objectives during the exhilarating Horizon Festival, players explore a vast open environment located in the heart of Mexico.

Forza Horizon 5 has distinguished itself as one of the best exclusives on the Xbox Series X/S thanks to an incredible selection of automobiles, realistic weather systems, and better graphics. There are legitimate complaints from fans about this game, but Forza Horizon 5 is undeniably stunning and thrilling.


Top Xbox Series X/S Exclusives

Pentiment is yet another achievement for renowned game developer Obsidian Entertainment, who has established a reputation as a master at infusing original tales into their games. The game primarily functions as a mystery game where players look into the suspects throughout several generations.

Microsoft Flight Simulator

Top Xbox Series X/S Exclusives

The Microsoft Flight Simulator series has some of the best-looking and most realistic simulation games ever created. The most recent game is no exception to this trend, letting players soar over breathtaking visuals and precise physics approximations of real-world settings.

For aviation enthusiasts and gamers seeking an authentic experience, Microsoft Flight Simulator is a must-have because it offers a wide variety of aircraft as well as accurate airport and weather conditions. One of the more tranquil games on this list, players can check it out whenever they want to relax… as long as they are familiar with the game’s numerous complex mechanics.


Top Xbox Series X/S Exclusives

Immortality is another narrative-driven FMV game created by Sam Barlow, the brains behind Her Story and Telling Lies, and it has a lot of original elements of its own. In the game, players must piece together the sequence of events that led to the disappearance of a movie actress who appears to have vanished under unexplained circumstances.

It’s yet another amazing game from a creative developer who has advanced the idea that FMV games are still relevant today, which is a huge accomplishment in and of itself. Even while Immortality doesn’t quite measure up to Her Story, it’s still a very captivating game.

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Hi-Fi Rush

Top Xbox Series X/S Exclusives

The idea of combining an action game with a rhythm game sounds pretty cool, and Hi-Fi Rush definitely does it well. The fighting in the game forces players to pay attention to the beat and timing their movements correctly in order to deliver effective blows, which is a breath of new air in a genre that has become overrun with mindless button-mashers.

Hi-Fi Rush is one of the top Xbox Series X/S exclusives thanks to its incredible art style and never-ending intensity. The features this game offers will more than satisfy fans of original action games.

Halo Infinite

Top Xbox Series X/S Exclusives

Before Halo Infinite even launched, it was the subject of much of controversy! When it comes to the single-player content, fans of the game were generally pleased with 343 Industries’ efforts to incorporate player feedback and improve the game before release.

The open-world strategy provided a novel speed change that was ideal for the Halo concept. However, everyone agreed that the changes made to the multiplayer were bad in every regard, and the free-to-play model forced gamers grind for content.

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